Category: Government Page 1 of 5

The Corporate Tax and American Sovereignty

Harvey’s Introduction

Janet Yellen, Biden’s Treasury Secretary knows the higher corporate tax rates Biden wants will reduce American competitive ability to compete globally. Her answer to this is to get other countries to raise their corporate taxes. To achieve this objective she seems willing to give international bodies the ability to determine our tax rates. It is an awful policy direction; one that I hope fails.

Diversity Over Discovery

Harvey’s Introduction

Heather Mac Donald writes another piece about how the desire for diversity is resulting in lower levels of competence in Biden’s government. This example is only one of many in this administration.

Readers Give Secretary Yellen Some Candid Feedback on Taxes

Harvey’s Introduction

I have written several articles on U.S. taxation policy. In all, I have always recommended a corporate tax rate of zero. My reasons are delineated on the posts under “Things I have Written”. These letters to the editor offer additional reason, all written in response to an essay by Janet Yellen.

The Pernicious Myth of Shrinking Public School Budgets

Harvey’s Introduction

How often have you heard “we’re underfunding our schools; that’s why they’re failing” No, that’s not why: moreover we are not underfunding them.

Tge Georgia Election Fiasco

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a very thorough analysis of what happened in the Georgia election process. Nothing will change the results of the last election, but this article explains why so many of us believe the election was stolen.

Prelude to a State Pension Bailout

Harvey’s Introduction

Andrew Biggs is an accomplished economist who has studied public sector payroll costs and public sector financing. In this article he discusses the problem with the “so-called” Covid Relief bill with regard to the bail out of private sector retirement plans that are mis- managed and severely underfunded. Public sector pension plans are underfunded even more. He raises the legitimate question that this is the beginning of what could be a $4 trillion bailout for public pensions. It doesn’t belong in a Covid bill and it doesn’t belong in any bill in the future.

Is Censoring by Tech Companies Protected From Liability

Harvey’s Introduction

The Communications Act Section 230 protects tech companies from lawsuits under many circumstances. It allows certain kinds of censorship. The tech companies have acted as if there no limits on their ability to censor. Mr Hamburger argues persuasively that their excesses may (and perhaps should) lead to courts ultimately defining those limits. This article is a very good review of the issues.

Speech and Sedition in 2021

Harvey’s Introduction

“Liberal” are advocating for limiting or reducing freedom of speech because their view about misinformation. They don’t even get the irony that they spew lots of misinformation themselves. They thought Trump attacked the press and don’t want that to happen. And, to boot, they call Trump fascist. Hah!

Liberals’ Fantasies About Restricting Free Speech.

Harvey’s Introduction

Liberals attempt to cast themselves as, well liberal, and tolerant. Fascism, to them is only a danger coming from the few lunatics on the extreme right in our country. The real danger from fascism is from the left, which is not a small, fringe, unimportant group. It is the governing thrust behind the Democrat Party. So far, the press is going along with it. Ihope it wakes up. I fear it won’t.

1776 Commission and Its Report

Harvey’s Introduction

Trump established a Commission to examine the principles underlying our nation’s founding and the reflection of those principles in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Commission was established to refute many of the claims about the structural evil of our founding and the lies promulgated by the NY Times 1620 project. One of the authors wrote an explanation of the Commission’s work. Of course Biden took the report down from the Government’s website. At the end of the article is a link to the actual commission report.

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